And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
2 Timothy 2:2
From the moment we come to faith in Jesus and into relationship with Him, we are called to grow as His disciple! A disciple is a devoted follower who becomes more like Jesus in every part of their lives. To grow in this way, we need intentionality and community! A discipleship group helps provide the environment needed to grow us as disciples who are striving to give our lives to making more disciples. In a discipleship group, you can expect to experience deep friendship, honest accountability, committed prayer, and an intentional rootedness in God’s Word.
Discipleship Groups are gender-specific, closed groups of 3-4 believers that meet weekly for one year building intentional friendship for the purpose of spiritual growth. In these groups, you will be encouraged to spend daily time with God and then you will get to process that weekly with your group. These groups often work best when formed out of existing relationships that desire to go deeper. To get started, check out the link below for more information.
Discipleship Groups are gender-specific, closed groups of 3-4 believers that meet weekly for one year building intentional friendship for the purpose of spiritual growth. In these groups, you will be encouraged to spend daily time with God and then you will get to process that weekly with your group. These groups often work best when formed out of existing relationships that desire to go deeper. To get started, check out the link below for more information.

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
1 Thessalonians 2:8